Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park - Always innovate for the development of investors

Public at: 04/12/2018 11:35:00
In 1996, the Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park Project started construction. At that time, Nha Be District was a mangrove area, with few inhabitants. From an industrial park located at the bottom of the city map with uneven infrastructure, transport connections are still difficult. After 22 years of establishment and development, Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park has been continuously modernized in order to become a model industrial park of the city.
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View of Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park
We attach great importance to investment in infrastructure and internal transportation systems that connect easily to the national transportation network. With the policy of attracting selective investment in the direction of the city, Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park focuses on attracting advanced technology, clean industry, modern, friendly with the environment. So far, we have successfully connected 200 investors in Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park, forming a business community of Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park together with sustainable and prosperous development! Businesses from all over the world (Europe, Japan, Korea, ...), belong to the fields of electrical equipment, mechanics, electronics, construction materials, furniture, pharmaceuticals, packaging , marine services, logistics,...
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Typical businesses in Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park
Khu công nghiệp Hiệp Phước là Khu công nghiệp có quỹ đất lớn nhất Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Giai đoạn 1 có diện tích 311 ha, đến nay đã lấp đầy gần như 100%. Giai đoạn 2 có diện tích 597 ha, đến nay đã lấp đầy 45%. Ngày càng có nhiều công trình nhà máy khang trang, các công trình giao thông, công trình tiện ích hiện đại mọc lên trên mảnh đất Hiệp Phước trù phú, tạo được việc làm và cuộc sống ổn định cho hơn 8,000 lao động. Khu công nghiệp Hiệp Phước đang chuyển mình bước sang những giai đoạn mới, chúng tôi đang nổ lực thay đổi từng ngày vì sự phát triển của Nhà đầu tư.
Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park is the largest industrial park in Ho Chi Minh City. Phase 1 has an area of 311 hectares, so far filled almost 100%. Phase 2 has an area of 597 hectares, now occupied 45%. There are more spacious factory buildings, traffic works, modern facilities built on Hiep Phuoc land plots, create jobs and stable life for more than 8,000 workers. Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park is moving into new stages, we are trying to change day by day for the development of investors.
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Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park - Always innovate for the development of investors!
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Contact us for support!

Address: Division B, Road No.1, Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Hotline: (+84) 964 11 88 33 
Email: marketing@hiepphuoc.com
Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City with a total area of 1.686 ha
- Owning strategic location, is the largest industrial park in Ho Chi Minh City.
- Comprehensive technical infrastructure: electricity, water, waste water treatment, telecommunication, industrial gas network, ...
- The system of international seaports helps save time and transport costs. On-site customs clearance procedures facilitate the import and export of goods.
- Quick, free initial legal aid.
Over the past 20 years, 200 domestic and foreign investors have chosen Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park as their sustainable development partner. We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation to bring the highest benefit value for each investor when coming to Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park.